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Moscow, Ochakovskoe sh.
d. 28, p. 2, fl. 4, of. 403
Mon-Fri, 9:00 - 19:00
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    Stage rental

    The peromance of actors is always a colourful and fabulous show. However, that all effects have been colourfully issued and given to the viewer, the additional equipment is necessary: speaker system, equipment for a light show and also scene. Scene is one of the main elements of a perfomance of the actor. All famous people go on world tour with the performances, at the same time they can stop practically in any leased room. However musical performers prefer recreation centers, city scenes and other direct rooms, where people are only ahead. Why? Because it is easier to give a concert, when it is necessary to move only in a straight line, but not to circular.

    For this reason, rent of a scene for the organization of a concert is one of the first affairs which need to be organized. The actor can "endure" refusal on some points of the requirements, but will refuse appear on bad stage flatly. There were cases when on the main square of the town speakers just failed under a scene because of the bad organization. It, first of all, is dangerous.

    The “Gefest Projection” company is engaged in complete organization of events already more than 5 years. Everyone can get acquainted with a portfolio on the website of the company, where there are some options of carrying out your holiday or an action. Specialists of "Gefest Projection" will answer any questions, including what price of lease of a scene. If you wait for arrival of the famous actor in the city or invite someone to an action, then surely take care of the organization. Actors are the whimsical people, therefore it is better to be prepared for arrival of "star" in advance. If you think that the old scene will ensure reliability and safety of a performance, then consider that preliminary rehearsals will be held still. Did yoy saw how before some days before the performance the concerts were cancelled? The "lion's" share of this problem occurs after the rehearsals, when the actor understands that he won't be able to provide a full performance on your design. Therefore, it is better to secure itself in advance and to lease a scene, at least for the period of the performance of "star". Believe me, it will pay off.