vk rutub youtube
Moscow, Ochakovskoe sh.
d. 28, p. 2, fl. 4, of. 403
Mon-Fri, 9:00 - 19:00
  • Язык сайта English
  • Holographic installations Projective installations Interactive installations Museum installations

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    Exhibition stands “turnkey”
    The cost, rub incl. the VAT

    Mini stand (20 sq.m)

    • Building of the stand
    • Promoter's promo
    • Rent of the promoter
    • Rent of a Presenter table
    • Rent of a pyramid 90
    • Roller for a pyramid
    381 000

    When you have an area of 30 square meters and you would like to use it with the maximum return, at the same time, that the budget still remained at optimum level then the complex offer of the equipment of the exhibition Mini stand will suit you best of all.

    Mini is the same small stand, as well as Compact, a difference is only in additional 10 square meters of space, and new offers, which were included into this complex decision. The equipment entering the Mini offer is mobile, so it is possible to rearrange it according to convenience of work. If there is a need - you can address our experts, they will help to make the plan of placement of elements of the exhibition stand most conveniently for your employees and also guests of an action.

    As well as in the Compact stand, the virtual promoter and the record of a three-minute presentation roller are included in the price. The video will be made by professional experts in the field of drawing up speeches and advertising texts therefore, at first sight, can seem that it will be not enough three minutes to contain all information. To another can seem that three minutes are too long, and nobody will listen to the virtual promoter for such long time. But our experts will make everything in such a way that all necessary information will be heard, all necessary accents are placed and everything will be presented interestly, beautifully and pleasant for ears. And ability of the interactive promoter to react to approach of the person will play to you good service - the person shouldn't listen to a roller from the middle - at once as soon as the person approaches, the virtual promoter starts the presentation anew.

    The offer also includes equipment of the stand with interactive table of Dedal Presenter - the decision for the organization of information reference center of your stand. The interactive table represents huge ipad which is placed on an inclined support with the user-friendliest configuration. Thanks to connection to the Internet, you can show materials directly from the website, or show presentation and information materials from virtual cloudy storages. The touch table of Dedal Presenter perfectly works together with the interactive promoter at an exhibition: the promoter draws attention, and the interactive table provides information support. In such conditions your employees will be unloaded from excess duties - everything that is necessary, can make the equipment. They will only need to sign successful contracts, and, if necessary, to help visitors of your stand to understand the desires and aspirations concerning your future cooperation.

    Also additional presentation maintenance of your stand will be undertaken by a stylish holographic pyramid 90, with its help you will be able to turn your stand into a corner of style and elegance. The rotating metamorphoses in a pyramid are charming. Also they can execute information function, carrying out the presentation of your goods. The roller for a holographic pyramid is also included in the price of this complex offer.

    You can study all list of services of the offer Mini in the table. If you have any questions - you can address our managers.

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