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Mon-Fri, 9:00 - 19:00
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  • Holographic installations Projective installations Interactive installations Museum installations

    Gobo projection

    Now use of the equipment for creation the projections in promotion or in education gains steam.Thanks to innovative technologies, it allows to try to obtain great success. They can be noticed even more often on various actions (exhibitions, the presentations, etc.)

    For use of such devices is not much necessary. There is enough availability of a source of electricity, projector and the surface on which the image will be projected, and it can be any. Walls of multi-storey buildings, institutions of the commercial, state or medical direction, cars, any floors or ceilings — everything will approach.

    The projection, which is created by our projectors, is bright and saturated. The light picture isn't ordinary as typical displays, banners and signs, which became boring to many people. Various weather conditions don't influence quality of a projection in any way, the rain or snow also won't leave a mark on the image. Besides, the attention of passersby is attracted by such unusual phenomenon that promotes a subject of advertising. Usually such technology is applied in buildings when the video walls, which were more suitable for this purpose, can't be established. Or the large-scale projection is necessary.


    However, the effective work of technologies for creation of projections is possible only in case of its correct installation and setup. You will need aware specialist. However, the main issue is not only technical, but also media. Even if the quality of the image will be high, but the content isn’t able to entice people, then the desirable result won't be received. So it is necessary to distribute attention between these two questions. To write down high-quality material which will become a projection subsequently, to create the remote place of control of the equipment and other — you will need help of experienced specialists.

    Projection of the image on glass surfaces becomes more and more popular. For example, undistinguished show-window in the afternoon, transformes to the light show with the bright and saturated image at night. Besides, the size and a form of a show-window aren’t important because all requirements and desires of the customer will be realized in the projection. Promotion is always created for each customer individually, adjusted to possible clients’ base, which helps properly to represent an advertising subject. The uniqueness of such method of presentation information gives the chance to hold attention of passersby to longer period, than standard. And rapid growth of sales level and promotion of a brand becomes the result of such promotion. In final, it allows to leave the competitors eventually behind.

    Also, to project advertising on floors or sidewalks is excellent option. There are two incredible pluses — thanks to the singularity and colourfulness, the projection will cause positive reaction passersby. And the second plus consist in a moderate cost, that only on a hand to the customers. If to take the prices into account, then the most optimal variant is use of gobo-projections.

    Tremendous result — low cost

    The results of any advertising campaign can be estimated only by one point — sales level. If it grows, then promoition was effective. If it didn't change or that it is even worse — began to decrease, then the spent means can be considered thrown out on wind.

    Even if the gobo-projection is an innovation at present, however the carried-out promotion with use of this technology already struck with the efficiency. The image created by means of this device turns out bright, perceptible and attracting a look. The attention of probable clients will be pointed at the advertising picture. It is supported both projection dynamic, and statistical. Placement of a projection can be performed literally on any objects, whether it is a wall of the multi-storey house or on buses, cars, floors, partitions, ceilings, etc. However, there are certain restrictions, for mirror surfaces or of completely black color, there are certain restrictions, but they don't play a special role.

    It is possible to carry out broadcasting at any time, in the building or on the street. It is possible thanks to powerful projectors and qualitative optical lenses by means of which the projection is carried out. For gobo-projectors there will be a place on any entertaining action — weddings, shows, concerts, corporate parties, exhibitions and other.

    Creation of the content for gobo-projections

    The least expensive option is to print the necessary image on a special film. However the models created in such way, strongly concede on the term of operation and quality of the image, than a lens from glass or metal. Metal lenses have no limited service life, they can be used in any weather. Process of their production doesn't demand a lot of time, also they have the greatest demand. Lenses from the glass in principle matches to metal lenses on durability, however it is more difficult to make them.

    Why it is necessary to choose a gobo-projection for the advertising campaigns?

    • As it's usual happens to novelties, among which is a gobo-projection, special attention of people is guaranteed. Thus information is better and more simply conveyed to people
    • Undoubtedly important advantage of this technology is convenience in its arrangement. The sizes of a projection have no borders, as well as experimental and creative opportunities which open at operation of this equipment.
    • Also, adjustment doesn't require studying of difficult schemes, everything is simple and clear.
    • Indisputable benefit of a gobo-projection is the lowest price categories among projective technologies.
    Gobo projectors for indoor application (advertising in shops, a projection of navigation signs on a floor)
    The image The technical description Purchase Cost, rub, incl. the VAT

    IMAGE LED 40 More »

    Projector IMAGE LED 40 — 35000

    Production b/w gobo 53,3 mm — 3000

    To learn about availability or delivery date

    IMAGE LED 40 INDOOR More »

    Projector IMAGE LED 40 INDOOR — 35000

    Production b/w gobo 53,3 mm — 3000

    Glass full-color GOBO of 53,3 mm — 9000

    To learn about availability or delivery date

    IMAGE LED 40 INDOOR G1 More »

    Projector IMAGE LED 40 INDOOR G1 45000

    To learn about availability or delivery date

    IMAGE LED 90 INDOOR G1 More »

    Projector IMAGE LED 90 INDOOR G1 55000

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    Gobo projectors for outdoor application (projective advertising on the sidewalk)
    The image The image Purchase Cost, rub, incl. the VAT


    Projector IMAGE LED 40 OUTDOOR — 35000

    Projector IMAGE LED 40 OUTDOOR Rotation — 40000

    Production b/w gobo 53,3 mm — 3000

    Glass full-color GOBO of 53,3 mm — 9000

    To learn about availability or delivery date

    IMAGE LED 40 OUTDOOR G1 More »

    Projector IMAGE LED 40 OUTDOOR G1 — 45000

    Production b/w gobo 53,3 mm — 3000

    Glass full-color GOBO of 53,3 mm — 9000

    To learn about availability or delivery date

    IMAGE LED 40 OUTDOOR G5 More »

    Projector IMAGE LED 40 OUTDOOR G5 — 80000

    Production b/w gobo 53,3 mm — 3000

    Glass full-color GOBO of 53,3 mm — 9000

    To learn about availability or delivery date
    Gobo projectors for outdoor application (huge projections to buildings)
    The image The technical specification Cost of purchase, rub, incl. the VAT

    IMAGE 90 OUTDOOR More »

    Projector IMAGE LED 90 OUTDOOR G1 65000

    Projector IMAGE LED 90 OUTDOOR G5 95000

    Projector IMAGE LED 90 OUTDOOR E 75000

    Production of a black-and-white slide 3000

    Production of a color slide 9000

    To learn about availability or delivery date

    IMAGE 150 OUTDOOR More »

    Projector IMAGE LED 150 OUTDOOR G1 80000

    Projector IMAGE LED 150 OUTDOOR G5 120000

    Projector IMAGE LED 150 OUTDOOR E 95000

    Production of a black-and-white slide 3000

    Production of a color slide 9000

    To learn about availability or delivery date

    IMAGE 575-1500 OUTDOOR More »

    Projector IMAGE 575-1500 OUTDOOR — 180000

    Arm for a projector suspension — 5000

    Optics 18-28 (Wide) — 5000

    The module of effects — 20000

    Additional lamp of HTI of 1500 Watts — 170 Euro.

    Production b/w gobo 53,3 mm — 3000

    Glass full-color GOBO of 53,3 mm — 9000

    To learn about availability or delivery date

    IMAGE LED 300 OUTDOOR G5 More »

    Projector IMAGE LED 300 OUTDOOR G5 — 250000

    Production b/w gobo 86 mm — 4000

    Glass full-color GOBO of 86 mm — 11000

    To learn about availability or delivery date

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