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Mon-Fri, 9:00 - 19:00
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  • Holographic installations Projective installations Interactive installations Museum installations

    Equipment for museums

    Complex equipment of the museum innovative solutions on the basis of the advanced visual technologies

    Проекционный шарProjective sphere

    Task: To draw attention of visitors and to issue the museum hall by means of advanced technologies.

    Creative idea: Projective sphere with a diameter from 2 meters.

    Mechanics of work: The projective sphere creates the panoramic image by 360 degrees and can broadcast the required video series by means of the powerful projector located inside. Photos, advertising texts and rollers, movies, TV broadcasts, music videos, a videoart are visible from any point and draw attention, at the same time making out space of the room.


    Интерактивная панельInteractive panel

    Task: To use the newest means of display of information in a museum exposition.

    Creative idea: Interactive panel 65".

    Mechanics of work: The interactive panel is plasma of the huge size, operated by means of touches. For creation of an interactive table is used the multi-touch technology, allowing at the same time several users to interact as with interactive applications, and with each other. The panel is located vertically that provides convenience of submission of information to several visitors at once. On her by means of specially developed program it is possible to display the scientific data corresponding to subject of an exposition.


    ВидеостенаVideo wall

    Task: To decorate showroom by means of the advanced visual technologies.

    Creative idea: The solid drawn Orion 4620 panels equipped with system module of Kinekt.

    Mechanics of operation: The video wall is the big split screen consisting of several modules. All system is under control of the special controller. The video wall is based on the modular principle that allows to create the screen practically of any size. Equipment of a video wall with system Kinect will allow to control the broadcast content at distance to 3 meters. As content in this case it is possible to use the information corresponding to scope of exposure.


    Очки дополненной реальностиAugmented reality glasses

    Task: Addition of a museum exposition with means of display of visual content in the 3D format.

    Creative idea: Augmented Reality glasses "Oculus Rift".

    Mechanics of work: Augmented Reality glasses with a huge viewing angle and high speed of reaction to the movement of the head is a combination of the latest technologies and creative ideas. It is possible to use augmented rReality glasses in the museum for display of the entertaining, game and training content corresponding to subject of an exposition.


    Горизонтальный поливизорHorizontal polivizor

    Task: Visualization of appearance of the hall of the museum according to the exposition which is carried out at present.

    Creative idea: Use of the polivizor system.

    Mechanics of work: Polivizor – technology on the basis of the ionized steam on which moves video content by means of the projector which is from the exposition back. Effect – pseudo the holographic image on the steam screen. This system it is possible to arrange in showroom or the hall. The visitor will see a logo of the museum or other graphic information at once.


    Интерактивный стол Interactive table

    Task: To use the newest means of display of information in a museum exposition.

    Creative idea: Interactive table of Dedal Stone Presenter 42".

    Mechanics of work: The interactive panel is plasma of the huge size, operated by means of touches. For creation of an interactive table is used the multi-touch technology, allowing at the same time several users to interact as with interactive applications, and with each other. The panel is located vertically that provides convenience of submission of information to several visitors at once. On her by means of specially developed program it is possible to display the scientific data corresponding to subject of an exposition.

    Интерактивный виртуальный промоутер

    Interactive virtual promoter

    Task: To draw attention of visitors of the museum and to issue the hall by means of advanced technologies.

    Creative idea: Interactive virtual promoter.

    Mechanics of work: The interactive promoter is the silhouette of the person created from acryle which from above is covered with a film of the return projection. For obtaining the image the projective equipment is used. The virtual promoter placed in the museum will welcome visitors and inform them on history presented at an exhibition.

    Interactive floor

    Интерактивный пол

    Task: Visualization of internal interiors of the museum according to subject of an exposition.

    Creative idea: The "Turnkey" interactive floor without shadows.

    Mechanics of work: An interactive floor is horizontal interactive system in the form of a floor which reacts to the movements of a body of the person. The free space of the museum can be transformed to an interactive surface with a set of graphic special effects.


    Голографическая пирамидаHolographic pyramid

    Task: Registration of a museum exposition by means of the advanced visual technologies.

    Creative idea: Holographic equipment "Gefest Pyramid".

    Mechanics of work: The holographic pyramid is a projective system in which any 3D objects and animation can be displayed. Especially interesting objects of an exposition can be shown in addition in holographic pyramids, beating them animation rollers.


    Голографический театр

    Holographic theater

    Task: Registration of a museum exposition by means of the advanced visual technologies.

    Creative idea: Holographic equipment "Paper's Ghost".

    Mechanics of work: Paper’s Ghost – the innovative holographic system. Use of the special film screen in total with the exact optical scheme of a projection creates illusion of emergence of the image in the air and combines it with a real exposition and people.


    Интерактивная книгаInteractive book

    Task: Addition of a museum exposition with modern means of display of visual content.

    Creative idea: Interactive book.

    Mechanics of work: On specially made book model by means of the return or direct projection is broadcast in advance prepared content, which may contain both scientific data and the visual row, corresponding to subject of an exposition.


    Цифровая мозаикаDigital mosaic

    Task: Visualization of internal interiors of the museum according to subject of an exposition.

    Creative idea: Digital mosaic.

    Mechanics of work: The non-standard exclusive design decision for creation of an architectural video wall capable to present the video series corresponding to an exposition in an unusual format.

    Кинетическая люстраKinetic chandelier

    Task: Visualization of internal interiors of the museum by means of the advanced design technologies.

    Creative idea: Kinetic chandelier.

    Mechanics of operation: A secret of the kinetic ORBIS-FLY system – in a unification of luminous art with mechanical technology. Each element of a chandelier – a plastic white full-sphere with a diameter of 80 mm - fastens to the special motorized unit by means of a flat cable and can separately cope, change height, brightness and color. Thanks to the synchronous management system according to the Art-Net protocol a line item and light, it is possible to create irregular architectural shapes and luminous compositions. Any quantity of luminous elements and in any configuration can be located in space of the museum.

    Features of the multimedia equipment:

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