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    Interactive wall

    Интерактивная стена в МосквеMultimedia area is differing from the others because regularly appear various new products. The palm of victory belongs to a projection technology, which has gifted incredible and previously impossible to implement developments. One of such innovative technologies is multi touch wall. A high level of efficiency, a bold and stylish design, comfort in use – all this is an interactive multi-touch system.

    I-wall is a handy interactive screen

    Multitouch walls are made on the basis of interactive technologies. There is an opportunity to make a stand with dialog dynamic screen, the image on which will interact with the visitor. I-wall allows not only transmitting extremely realistic images with the interactive effect, but also plays audio, displays graphic information. The visitor can interact with the data on the screen by only one touch on its surface.

    Аренда интерактивной стены в МосквеThe i-wall system - is convenient, bright interactive screen that can be installed almost on any surface. It has the ability to translate not only video, but also graphic data, a slide show. This stand will be indispensable for any show or presentation; it will provide visitors with maximum information about product or service.

    For submitting an image is used pre-recorded content which takes into account all special aspects of the product, the advertising campaign, the target audience.

    How i-wall works?

    What distinguishes interactive wall from other media devices? In this case, the user feels all 3 impacts together :

    Цена интерактивной стены в МосквеAll this is interesting to the consumer; the information is easily perceived and remembered. The main advantage is that the i-wall can work almost 24/7, it doesn't need holidays or weekends. Unlike the usual hired employee's i-wall will provide the information fully; the visitor himself can determine what he wants to know about the product. The user can control the system by himself, any special skills for this does not required. Pages are turning fast and easily, virtual objects are perfectly visible, the image is high-quality in all lighting conditions.

    I-wall construction

    The interactive wall is a simultaneously simple and complex tool. Easy servicing perfectly combined with the highest technical characteristics, which were possible thanks to the rewarding work of specialists.

    As a multimedia screen may act any an even surface, usually it is walls or shop-windows. High-quality image with outstanding characteristics is obtained due to the work of the special reflecting wide-angled projectors. They are installed on the wall, does not occupy much space. The i-wall modules can be combined together to create the projection screen of required size and shape. Sensor films and other tools are not used during work, they are not necessary.

    The principle of operation of an interactive wall is that on the wall is projected the required image. Information from specially installed sensors receives the analyzing unit. After that it already provides an immediate response of the system. Touch wall meets all the necessary requirements. It is effective and easy to use.

    Usage pattern

    The interactive wall is differ from the other projection technologies. It has not only the highest level of quality, but also other advantages:

    1. The image reacts instantly on the movement of the hand. This is possible thanks to the usage of modern control equipment.
    2. The information on the screen can literally change every second without loss of quality.
    3. The system may simultaneously interact with several users.
    4. Installation does not take much time. I-wall has the main advantages of interactive equipment: compactness, efficiency, fast installation and simple operation.
    5. The content for the system is loaded quickly; it is possible to exchange videos, pictures, information in the real time mode.
    6. Image quality and brightness are high, that makes possible to use the system in any light. This is especially important for exhibitions and presentations, because they often take place in wel-lit halls, where the quality of the image is very important.
    7. For the content all parameters are selected individually, recording is carried out only by professionals.
      It has simple and intuitive interface.
    8. If it is necessary, you can use various ready templates and effects.

    The i-wall is a unique tool that can make any advertising campaign bright and more effective. Any surface, whether that be wall, stand, showcase, can be easily and quickly turn into bright interactive screen.

    The cost of iWall complexes of own production - interactive multi-touch wall (prices in rubles, incl. VAT)
    Title Cost, rubles, incl.VAT
    Complex iwall, based on the professional panel of 65” to 10 simultaneous touches 350 000
    standard software - program for sending photos included в комплекте
    delivery across Moscow 5 000
    installation and pre-commissioning activities 5 000
    individual software from 35 000


    The rent of iWall complexes of own production - interactive multi-touch wall (prices in rubles, incl. VAT)
    Title The rental price for 1 day, RUB, incl.VAT
    Complex iwall, based on the professional panel of 65” to 10 simultaneous touches 35 000
    standard software - program for sending photos included
    delivery across Moscow 5 000
    installation and pre-commissioning activities 5 000
    individual software от 35 000

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